Youth Thoughts on COVID in Schools
School is becoming more of a safety hazard than before. I believe that we students have the right to share our opinions on the matter. That is why I asked people personally and on Instagram, "As a student/parent what do you think could be changed about school?"
Image Credit: Amir Muhammad
2021 was like the next season of 2020. There were new COVID variants which are still ongoing. The threats of school shootings. More questionable decisions made by adults. Kids are still in schools that don’t hold up to health standards the school districts claim to maintain. It still doesn't seem like anyone learned anything about safety. The spread of the virus is increasing, same with the death toll caused by the virus.
School is becoming more of a safety hazard than before. I believe that we students have the right to share our opinions on the matter. That is why I asked people personally and on Instagram, "As a student/parent what do you think could be changed about school?" Here are the responses I received:
Instagram Users:
One user said, "Flexibility in teachers/work and the overall strict or intimidating atmosphere in the classroom."
The second user said, "Nap time in the middle of the day."
The third and final user stated, "The school's existence.”
Personal Messages:
This response comes from someone named Asianai Fowlkes, a college student, "I don't like the testing agenda because testing performance doesn't determine how good a student is."
This response comes from a parent of a student Wendy Muher, "Testing grades currently carry a lot of weight and this should be reviewed/revised with input from many impacted representatives (teachers, students, school administration, and central office).
This response comes from Iris Zheng, a high schooler, "In the current situation with peaking Covid cases, I think the school should offer online options for students who are quarantined because of Covid."
This response comes from Jordan Manely, a middle schooler, " Honestly, I think the school system really needs to think over every decision that is made for the sakes of not only teachers but students. They also need to bring awareness to real-world issues that we are facing and give us information we will regularly use as adults."
This response comes from Se'lah Jackson, who is almost in college, "I believe that schooling should be more individualized for each student. Every student works differently, so in order to accommodate each student and their needs, school work should be specific to each student, how they work, and how they retain information they are given."
This response comes from Collin Muher, a middle schooler, "Maybe like instead of us just being told like "this is the rule for something" and you must use it" or something they could explain the reason behind it. Also, do better at social distancing because we have kids spreading Covid to us during resource."
This response comes from Toby Fisichelli Roberts, a middle schooler, " I think learning should not be boring and dull, it should be fun. In my home school I learned as much in school and more, but it was fun. Except, I don't like working at home. Also a lot of Covid and so much about our school."
This response comes from Shantika Bhat, a college student, " I guess the school system needs to start being more empathetic towards students. I know now due to the pandemic there is a rise in that but I don't think it's enough. Needs to be more care and support for students who are first generation and low income. It's very difficult to be in that position and not many people consider that in the great parts of America. I think Baltimore is doing a pretty decent job however. Still improvements can be made."
This response is from Aaron Stanely, a middle school teacher, “ For starters, class sizes are too large, optimal class size is 1 teacher to 15 students. The curriculum should be geared more to providing tangible life skills like how to do taxes and how to find what you’re good at. There should also be just as many social workers in school as there are teachers to reduce social worker caseloads.”
As a student myself I have to agree with what everyone said. I hope that in me writing this article that parents and other figures can see what students like the ones I spoke to need and want. As a student I want a better way to voice my opinions and offer the questions that other students are fearful to ask.