If you’re like me, you’re an introvert
If you’re not, you’re alert
If you’re like me, you have Wacky Wednesday for school
Or when it’s hot, you wish for a pool
If you’re like me, you have silly quotes on your whiteboard
If you’re not, you’re thinking of all those games you could have scored
If you’re like me, you live in the city
“Self Portrait” by Khaliah, Grade 12
And have a friend who’s funny and witty
If you’re like me, you run a town ship town
Or your sisters white shoe has turned brown
If you’re like me, you plan to graduate
So COVID’s something you learned to hate
If you’re like me, you’re weird
But remember that time your whole essay smeared
If you’re like me, you watch Good Witch
But you’re probably not, so let’s switch
Hey it’s me,
A person you can’t see
Because we’re all stuck inside
But no need to hide,
So let me get to know you
And you get to know me too
“Hey it’s me,
A person you can’t see
Because we’re all stuck inside
But no need to hide,
So let me get to know you
And you get to know me too”
by Emily Taylor
5th Grade, Patterson Park Public Charter School