They have asked me how ‘rona break is

They have asked me how ‘rona break is

I have said “bored” countless times

But maybe it's not

“Where I would Rather Be” by Meghan, Grade 9

I have learned to cook and make soap

I have done school online

I have talked to my friends

played games 

watched shows 



‘rona break has been countless things 

it has been educating and stupefying 

it has been losing weight and gaining weight

it has been scary and fun

But most of all it has been eye-opening 

It showed me what happens when you don't use common sense or don't follow regulations and I applaud the government for once in a while making good decisions but it happens to be the one time we don't follow them.

They have asked me how ‘rona break is 

I have said “bored” countless times 

but maybe it's not

by Funke