
“Chihuly, Seattle” by Bella, Grade 11

Questionable decisions made by the president 

Unknown cures, driving everyone crazy

A weird time, but one to remember 

Restock your toilet paper once again

Another Covid-19 news special

Not enough places open

Too many virtual calls

I really need a break

Nothing to do

Every day is now so boring!!!

by Kylie

Social Distancing

By Tia and Alicia, Grades 9 and 12

  • When I'm out in public people to act distant.

    When I go into stores, workers clean up 24/7.

    When I look outside, I see everybody wearing masks and gloves.

    Certain stores are not open anymore; you can't have any gatherings.

    My mother doesn't order from carry-outs anymore.

  • Social distancing plays a big part in my life because of this virus.

    I can’t walk to the store or get my hair done. I can’t even hug the ones I love anymore.

    I have to stay to myself and distance myself from everyone else just so I won’t get sick.

    I just want this to be over so I can go out and live a normal life again.

Quarantine and COVID-19

“Model Lying on a Bed” by Myah, Grade 12

  • You've made your mark

    Now it's time for you to go

    and run for the stars


  • Quarantine is so bad

    It's making me sad

    Why is the government doing this?

    We’re only kids

    This is not fair

    All I want to do is hide from despair

    All this sickness is going around

    I can't even go to the playground

This Quarantine

“Covid Project” by Marcus

  • This quarantine has got me bored

    This whole thing is making me snore

    At first I thought it'd be great because of no school

    I was such a fool

  • This quarantine is really not so bad

    At home, there’s lots of fun to be had

    It’s calm and crazy

    I’m trying not to be lazy

    But if I can’t get out soon I’ll be mad

    Though I’m having fun

    I want this to be done

    I want to go play

    I don’t want to stay far away

    I want to see every friend

    That is all, the end

Quarantine Is Not So Fun 

By Jannah, Grade 11

Quarantine is not so fun 

Rather be in the sun 

Having to say goodbye

You leave your old life with a sigh

At least you have your family

Unless they lose their sanity

The produce is not here

That's the thing that gives us fear

Until we start to swoon 

Can’t remember if it's afternoon 

What’s today's date?

A question we all love to hate 

Doing school work at the table 

Really don’t know if it’s stable 

Having meetings on the computer 

While my sister’s on her scooter 

Puzzle pieces everywhere 

Found some in my sister’s hair

No getting sick

You’ll have to feel the doctor's prick 

What's that movie you want to see?

You can watch it here with me 

Numbers rising like a mountain 

Hopefully they come down like a fountain 

This thing, this thing

Popping up everywhere ping, ping, ping

Goodbye now friends 

Until it ends

By Jannah, Grade 11

Quarantine, What does it mean?



What does it mean?

It seems to be so unclean

Taking the crown of every disease and virus 

and becoming the queen 

To me it seems 

Even being free isn't free

It's like solitary confinement 

Self isolation by force with no one to talk to on the outside 

No one to run to when you have to be 6 feet apart

No one to hold and to cry on when you're at your worst 

COVID-19 taught me to put myself first 

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse 

COVID-19 hits my zip code so I must prepare for the worst 

Just like Harry Styles said it's the sign of our times 

We hope and we pray that Mr. COVID-19 

won't be the end of mankind 

Quarantine and COVID-19 

You've made your mark 

Now it's time for you to go 

and run for the stars 


“Quarantine” by Emily, Grade 5